--- Comment #8 from 2010-06-09 15:13:17 --- (In reply to comment #7)
No, there's no way to do that, the desktop configuration takes precedence. It's not clear to me why you don't want it in Wine if you have it for all other apps, any specific reason?
Yes, as you can see currently wine's subpixel rendering differs significantly from the rest of the desktop (to me it looks very blurry), so I'd rather disable subpixel rendering altogether than use it as-is. If it were the same as the rest of my desktop that would be okay too.
Perhaps the fonts your copy of Wine is using don't look that great with subpixel rendering. Just for testing what happens if you select the same font in Wine as your desktop is using? Does it look the same then?
I'm sorry but I'm having some trouble changing the font wine uses. How exactly is this done? There appears to be no setting for it in winecfg. There used to be a way to set the default font in the [font] section of wine.inf, but this has been deprecated in favor of setting the font via regedit. However the exact keys to use appear to be kept secret. I've already spent quite some time on google, but I can't find a way to change the default wine font. If you could please tell me how to change the font I can test for you. However it seems as though that would be a separate bug (wine not rendering the font in the manner specified in the system config). It would still be nice to be able to disable fontsmoothing just for wine alone, so applications look the same in wine as they do on a windows desktop with no font smoothing.