--- Comment #19 from Aric Stewart 2013-06-04 09:58:16 CDT --- Comment on attachment 44405 --> +font,uniscribe-log
The fonts you appear to be using are
MS Shell Dlg -> Tahoma (should work) Arial -> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf (may not have arabic)
if it is the Arial font that is causing the problem there are 2 ways we can try to fix it.
1) substitute Arial for something with arabic.
For this one, run wine regedit open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows NT->CurrentVersion->FontSubstitutes
Right click and add new string value with the key of "Arial" then double click on that value and add the name of the font you want to substitute.
2) Add a font link for Arial to something with arabic.
For this one, run wine regedit open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows NT->CurrentVersion->FontLink->SystemLink
Right click and add new multi string value named "Arial"
then double click on Arial and add a new value of fontfile,face name
so for example Japanese uses MSGOTHIC.TTC,MS UI Gothic
With Arial defined either of these ways does winecfg improve?
What font are you using for Arabic, Maybe I can install it on my linux box and try to figure it out also.