--- Comment #3 from Jörg Höhle 2009-06-12 03:11:27 --- Eric Pouech's patches were accepted and indeed, in 1.1.23 the winhlp32 opens the mcm2 demo help. I'll check the retail version's help file later prior to closing this issue.
Here's a summary of current observations about winhlp32 mcm2demo.hlp:
+ Most text is now readable.
- The top line of text is invisible. It holds navigation links and should read "CONTENTS BACK NEXT INDEX FIND PRINT". The text becomes visible when highlighted with the mouse. (DIB bug?) Visible or not, the links work.
- Tables (e.g. page "Jumping and Landing", "View controls") are badly rendered. The text rows are only 2 characters wide, hardly readable.
- The file suffers from bug #14286 (clicking link repositions the window).
the missing support for the non scrollable area
What do you mean? What I saw in the retail version's help file on win95 are pop-up style animations showing the stunt figures.