--- Comment #79 from Roland Baudin --- To all: please note that the install recipe from comment 49 is *wrong*. Here below is the fixed and revised one (I double checked it using a fresh wine and Lightroom install). Sorry for the previous mistakes...
===== WORKING RECIPE =====
0. Apply the set of patches for wine 1.7.33 (attached to this bug report) and compile wine 1.7.33 (in a 32 bits chroot if you are on a 64 bits system)
1. Create an empty 32 bits wine profile with winecfg and install gecko and mono as requested (probably not required but it won't hurt)
2. winetricks win7
3. Install Lightroom 5.7 (32 bits version)
4. winetricks winxp
5. winetricks gdiplus corefonts ie7 windowscodecs comctl32
6. winetricks wininet=builtin
7. If you don't have a monitor color profile installed on your system, download the SRGB color profile attached to this bug report and do: cp "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/spool/drivers/color/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm"
7. Run Lightroom
Additional comments: - step 2 is necessary to install LR because it won't install on Windows XP - step 4 is required to get the delete image dialog work, and also to fix some minor UI glitches - in step 5, the comctl32 dll is required to fix some minor UI glitches (including the delete image dialog) - step 6 is used to fix the map module - step 7 is needed to fix the refresh problem in development module. If you already have a monitor icc profile installed, this step is normally not necessary. Anyway, it won't hurt, so I recommend to do it