--- Comment #7 from 2011-11-26 06:29:40 CST --- (In reply to comment #6)
@wiggmpk I just tried your workaround. Basically this will not work when BioWare is pushing out a patch. There will be an error during installation on bitfield.c or something. So if there's an update, be sure to rename the files back to what they were. I added .old on each of them to get rid of them.
With the workaround applied (after the new patch I got from BioWare), the server is now listed (there's quite a lot of them). Clicking one server and select shows a tiny blue window. Not sure what it is but so far, that's where things stopped. I will let this run a bit further to see if there are any progress.
This seems to be an issue with Windows users as well right now. I am literally loosing sleep to try and work around this. I have tried many different servers (including North America & Europe) with the same blue dialog box (after clicking select) with no information being displayed. The client looks like its getting stuck and I think the loading screen might be related to this issue.
It's a good point your bring up, every patch will nerf the workaround to get to server select (but its a small baby step of progress)