--- Comment #38 from Tom Maneiro --- Yep, the fix IS still needed for the upstream packages:
dpkg: error al procesar el archivo /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-5N86O8/3-wine-devel-amd64_10.2~bookworm-2_amd64.deb (--unpack): intentando sobreescribir `/opt/wine-devel/bin/wine', que está también en el paquete wine-devel-i386:i386 10.2~bookworm-2
/bin/wine WAS originally offered only by wine-$BRANCH-i386, but I'm noticing that it's an architecture-specific executable, not a script... But then, on 10.1, it's indeed i386 only (while the amd64 package provided the now-gone wine64 executable).
So... if I understand this right, the "wine" executable will always be i386/32-bit, but the magic is now done by the loaders and stuff for WOW64, right? Should it be safe to drop it then from the -amd64 package?