--- Comment #4 from Ted Hansen --- I have done some tests. It appears that Turbocad will actually respond to the keyboard input but response is extremely slow, sometimes the key must be held for 4 seconds or more before the program responds.
It also appears that this IS a bug which is dependent on the wine version. The last wine version which works correctly is 1.4.
I performed tests using Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 and wine versions 1.4, 1.61, 1.62, 1.7.18 and 1.7.50. All tests were done with a clean, new Ubuntu install, first using wine installed from the distribution repositories then with wine packages installed from the ppa according to the instructions on winehq.
The folder was deleted between each version tested so each test was with a clean, new wine install.
On ubuntu 12.04: - wine 1.4 was OK. - with 1.6.1, 1.6.2 and 1.7.18 keyboard response was so slow as to make the program unusable 1.7.18 is the highest ubuntu package available for 12.04
On ubuntu 14.04: - attempting to install wine 1.4 actually installs 1.6.2. Turbocad runs but keyboard response is too slow for it too be usable. - with wine 1.7.50 the program installs but will not run. It freezes at the second opening screen ("start a new file, open and existing file, etc."). cpu use goes to 100% and, if left for any length of time, the entire system freezes and must be shut down by cutting the power.