--- Comment #8 from Xj --- Hello Henri. Yes the problem is drawing, actualy it doesn't draw GUI at all. And yes, the d2d workaround help, but you still want similar reports about this component, right ? I attach screenshot.
BTW. I see that there is more fixme messages ( sort|uniq version ) fixme:d2d:d2d_factory_CreateHwndRenderTarget iface 0x120190, desc 0x32f29c, hwnd_rt_desc 0x32f278, render_target 0x32f2bc stub! fixme:d2d:d2d_factory_init Ignoring factory type and options. fixme:d2d:d2d_stroke_style_init Ignoring stroke style properties. fixme:dwrite:dwritetextlayout_GetMetrics (0x1baf70)->(0x32efe4): stub fixme:dwrite:dwritetextlayout_GetMetrics (0x1fdac0)->(0x32efe4): stub fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_codepage unknown platform 0 fixme:dwrite:get_name_record_locale unknown platform 0 fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
BTW 2. Austin please stop judge peoples, cause you know nothing about this case, and you know nothing about me. It's very infantile. At least, I was the person who made previous regresion test. I'm quite sure that this time Henri know where is a problem, but if not I can try find wrong commit.