--- Comment #6 from Todd Chester ---
Can you please attached the WinePrintError.txt? Current attachment is just a backtrace of the crash.
I am not sure what you are want. "WinePrintError.txt" was suppose to be a backtrace of the crash. I will reattach it just in case I attached something different.
If you want a different trace, please write down the command line and I will run it for you.
If it would help the troubleshooting, I can make up a sample approach file with sample lotus macro command and sample lotus script command for you to run. I can eMail it to you so you can run it through virus total or I can attach it here if you are not worried about a virus. And I can write directions on how to run the commands.
The script in question. Note that the print macro command still crashes Approach.
Sub PrintEnvelope ' The "Envelope" tab seems to remember the customer when entering it, ' but looses the invoice SequenceNo when returning to the "Invoices" tab ' when it is linked one (customer) to many (invoices) Dim ThisSequenceNo As Variant Dim ThisCustomer As Variant Dim SeqFind As New Find
' Save everthing before continuing RunApproachMacro("Enter") ThisSequenceNo = CurrentView.Body.SequenceNo.text ' Record "ThisCustomer" in case in the future the "Envelope" tab starts to loose ' the customer number and we need to do a find on it ThisCustomer = CurrentView.Body.Customer~ No.Text
Set CurrentWindow.ActiveView = CurrentDocument.Envelope ' CurrentWindow.CurrentRecord = ThisSequenceNo RunApproachMacro("Print") ' CurrentWindow.Print
Set CurrentWindow.ActiveView = CurrentDocument.Invoices CurrentWindow.Browse
SeqFind.And "InvSeqNo", ThisSequenceNo CurrentWindow.FindSort SeqFind CurrentDocument.Window.FindAll
' Msgbox "Customer No < " + Str (Customer) + "> This Sequence No < " + Str (ThisSequenceNo) + ">", 64, "Test Result" End Sub