--- Comment #12 from Timo-Heikki Mäkelä 2008-03-15 10:53:33 --- Created an attachment (id=11403) --> ( Screenshot dialog going behind test dialog, remaining inactive
I know this bug is about Photoshop, but exactly the same bug has been repeatable also with the Wine conformance test for as long as I recall, say two years+. When downloading the test, the start dialog always goes behind the main information dialog. And without knowing it's there, one gets quite lost, because the active window cannot be seen.
I just made a couple of tests with the conformance test now, and made some notes. First, the start dialog of the test is not the only one getting behind. If thereafter I launch a screenshot dialog, which should become active and on top at that time, also it goes behind BOTH those test dialogs! It will also remain inactive until one explicitly chooses to activate it. (See screenshot above. I've moved the main information dialog of the test a bit to show what's behind, but it still remains inactive.)
Second, IF one launches a screenshot dialog, but cancels it, on second try the screenshot dialog does appear correctly, active and on top. So, touching the screenshot dialog does change, which window will be active thereafter. (Screenshot below.)
I also use Ubuntu Dapper and Gnome.