--- Comment #13 from Mateus César Gröess 2007-12-18 18:54:59 --- I saw your comments at my job, but couldn't test.
I just tested and the problem is still present. Does the patch need another to be also applied? I applied only your commited patch against version 0.9.51, because I don't have a local git tree actually. I always remove the source files and re-extract them from tar.bz2 before compiling. Actually, I have a Slackware Linux and use a slightly modified version of this script to build package: Looking at backtrace, seems to be the same cause:
Backtrace: =>1 0xb7d4655f memcpy+0x2f() in (0x0031a370) 2 0x7e993893 GdiConvertToDevmodeW+0xcd(dmA=0xac1c3c) [/tmp/tgz/wine-0.9.51/dlls/gdi32/driver.c:430] in gdi32 (0x0031a3a0) 3 0x7eab2cc5 ChangeDisplaySettingsExA+0x45(devname=0x0, devmode=0xac1c3c, hwnd=0x0, flags=0x0, lparam=0x0) [/tmp/tgz/wine-0.9.51/dlls/user32/sysparams.c:3001] in user32 (0x0031a3e0) 4 0x7eab2c45 ChangeDisplaySettingsA+0x27(devmode=0xac1c3c, flags=0x0) [/tmp/tgz/wine-0.9.51/dlls/user32/sysparams.c:2972] in user32 (0x0031a410) 5 0x0042a433 in myst (+0x2a433) (0x0031a428) 6 0x0042ab3f in myst (+0x2ab3f) (0x0031a490) 7 0x00444d51 in myst (+0x44d51) (0x0031a758)
Because of my daily job I can only make tests at nights. Coincidently someone else post a message at wine-devel reporting the same problems I have with this game. I don't replied because I'm not subscribed, maybe I'll try e-mail the guy.