--- Comment #56 from Daniel Santos 2008-07-10 09:01:23 --- (In reply to comment #55)
How do I apply your code? Any helpers? :)
Possibly the easiest way is to download the binary I compiled a few days ago here: but I don't promise it will work on your system (I'm running amd64 Gentoo). Also, I did change the buffer size, so that isn't the same as what I'm running now.
Otherwise, you'll need to compile wine. I would first make sure you can compile it successfully on your system (I'm sure there's a HOWTO on that somewhere). You should either pass WS_LOTRO_HACK_BUF_LEN=128 to the configure script or just edit the patch file and change "0x400" to "128". So your call to configure might look something like this:
CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" CPPFLAGS="-DWS_LOTRO_HACK_BUF_LEN=128" ./configure
Next, copy socket.c.lotro_hack.patch into the root of the sources, change to that directory and run this run this command:
patch -p0 < socket.c.lotro_hack.patch
You should see no errors. Also, this patch is intended for wine v1.1.0. After patching, recompile (run make again). Then, assuming that didn't fail, figure out where is installed on your system, make a backup of it and then replace it with one that gets generated from your compile (it will be under dlls/ws2_32). Mine is under /usr/lib32/wine. Also, on 32 bit systems, it might not end with .so (might be .sl, but maybe I'm thinking of HPUX).