--- Comment #5 from Nikolay Sivov ---
From their sources:
--- void VDTFenceManagerD3D11::Init(ID3D11Device *dev, ID3D11DeviceContext *devctx) { D3D11_QUERY_DESC desc; desc.Query = D3D11_QUERY_EVENT; desc.MiscFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = dev->CreateQuery(&desc, NULL);
mpD3DDevice = dev; mpD3DDevice->AddRef(); mpD3DDeviceContext = devctx; mpD3DDeviceContext ->AddRef();
mFirstFenceId = 1; mNextFenceId = 1; } ---
So for this particular application return code does not affect anything. However in d3d9 case similar call is used to set 'mbEventQueriesSupported' variable. Our d3d9 CreateQuery() method handles NULL out pointer fine, and it's not an error. D3D11 docs agree too, calling it an optional parameter.