--- Comment #13 from Tobias Jakobi 2008-06-13 07:40:20 --- Another piece of evidence that IDirect3DDevice8::CreateImageSurface is not using D3DPOOL_SCRATCH.
I finally found a copy of the DX8.1 SDK on the net and from the docs (quote):
Remarks: ... Image surfaces are placed in the D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM memory class.
I tried writing a test for this, but I'm not really sure how to do this. First problem: That's my first time writing a Direct3D application... Second problem: What calls are I'm supposed to throw at the surface created by the CreateImageSurface call so I can be sure it's in the SYSTEMMEM memory pool?
Stefan Doesinger mentioned some like CopyRects, but according to the DX8.1 docs the surface should support that. Also it should support locking, but nothing more.
I was more thinking about using GetDesc on the surface and then checking the returned struct for the pool?! Any advice on this one?
Greets, Tobias Jakobi