--- Comment #87 from Le Gluon du Net --- After a lot of tests I finally found a method to play the steam version of this game on Linux.
I will explain you how even if it exceeds the scope of this discussion First you have to install Dotnet 3.5sp1 with winetricks: winetricks dotnet35sp1
Then download this specific Wine version: I obtained positive results ONLY with Lutris Wine TKG, I tested all Wine TKG version from 4 to 4.6 with success. I can not test with superior TKG version because Lutris stopped to provide them and I don't know how to compile them myself.
Last thing: I can launch the game only with a Lutris TKG Wine version AND the game should be set in DirectX 11 mode. In DirectX 9, the game simply doesn't launch.
I tried different other Wine version, more recent, without success.
The question now is: what piece of code in Lutris Wine TKG version from 4 to 4.6 make this game playable on Linux?
I searched to continue my tests with more recent TKG builds > 5.x but I don't know (for the moment) how to compile it my self and I didn't find binaries.
If you own the steam game, you could test my script install here:
Hope this help.