--- Comment #22 from Henri Verbeet --- The application appears to use the following pixel shader to draw the affected geometry:
ps_1_1 def c6 = 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 texld t[0] texld t[1] mad t[1].xyz, t[1].w, c[6], t[1] dp3 r[0], t[1]_bx2, v[0]_bx2 mad r[0], r[0], c[1].w, c[1] mul r[0].xyz, r[0], c[0] mul_x2 r[0].xyz, r[0], t[0] +mov r[0].w, t[0].w
As far as I can tell the shader itself gets translated correctly, but c[0] gets set to {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}. This then results in the black geometry. It's not entirely clear why the application sets the shader constant to that value, and unfortunately not entirely trivial to find out.