--- Comment #12 from Bob Goodwin --- Here is the total output of the Linux CLI console on starting the most recent version of Wrye Bash.
bash-4.3$ wine Wrye\ Bash.exe 9:22:30 PM: Debug: src/helpers.cpp(140): 'CreateActCtx' failed with error 0x00000103 (no more data available.).
Bash itself presented an error message which shows that the problem has to do with a Python script not finding a windows 'shell' library (shell.dll)
Please ensure Wrye Bash is correctly installed.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\bash.pyo", line 455, in main File "bash\bosh.pyo", line 24211, in testUAC File "bash\balt.pyo", line 895, in fileOperation NameError: global name 'shell' is not defined
############################################################ If I'm not mistaken, the failing Python script (balt.pyo) is a global script that is distributed with any version of python to define standard i/o type operations.