--- Comment #14 from Bruni --- (In reply to forinih564 from comment #13)
(In reply to Bruni from comment #6)
--quote-- [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidOperationException: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created. --quote--
Maybe marshaled exception prevents Invoke from accessing the form thread.
Nikolay, could you please try to suppress the marshaled exception and post renewed stacktrace?
I just noticed this message is printed only after attempting to close the program after the error messagebox shows
if i press continue to the error message then close the program , the message is printed to the console , the program closes but doesn't return control to terminal , i have to kill it via ctrl+c in this case the program is responsive (before closing it) & when pressing the button again, the same error message box appears
if i press quit , the message is printed however the program is still visible & unresponsive , i have to kill it via ctrl+c in terminal
This exception seems to be a consequence of the System.ArgumentException the cause of which is yet to be identified.
Microsoft gave the same names to methods in COM objects and NET components. To give an example, there is a method named CreateVistaDialog both in dotnet /System/Windows/Forms/FileDialog_Vista.cs an in the COM object providing dialog functionality.
Windows Forms (WinForms) is a UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. It is a .NET wrapper over Windows user interface libraries, such as User32 and GDI+ according to
So you have to find out whether you're in COM or NET part when debugging. Different signatures may give you some guess.
Moreover, there is no managed code implementation for SetFileTypes with two parameters in, in, in SetFileTypes
When placed on a class, the ComImport attribute marks the class as an externally implemented Com class. Such a class declaration enables the use of a C# name to refer to a COM class. A class that is decorated with the ComImport attribute is subject to the following restrictions:
It must also be decorated with the Guid attribute, which specifies the CLSID for the COM class being imported. A compile-time error occurs if a class declaration includes the ComImport attribute but fails to include the Guid attribute. It must not have any members. (A public constructor with no parameters is automatically provided.) It must not derive from a class other than object. (from
In comment 5 Nikolay said that SetFileTypes fails because filterItems is null, and it should according to tests:
private void SetFileTypes(IFileDialog dialog) { COMDLG_FILTERSPEC[] filterItems = FilterItems; HRESULT hr = dialog.SetFileTypes((uint)filterItems.Length, filterItems); if (!hr.Succeeded()) { throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR((int)hr); }
There are two places where exceptions may be thrown due to filterItems being null - filterItems.Length and dialog.SetFileTypes.
Failing tests means that wine does not expect FilterItems to return null.
Perhaps a testcase for FilterItems (both for COM and NET part) is needed.