--- Comment #5 from ---
While you can build a 64-bit only wine, note that many 64-bit applications mix in 32-bit components and that will fail with such a setup.
Its possible I could miss something silly but the application installer works using the distro wine and 64 bit prefix and the application does as well.
Source wine failure: $ ,/wine <exe-to-install> wine client error:0: version mismatch 595/596. Your wineserver binary was not upgraded correctly, or you have an older one somewhere in your PATH. Or maybe the wrong wineserver is still running?
git master version looks to be supplied by #define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION 595 as is currently at 595. I'm confused where 596 is coming from though. It shouldn't be distro if master is at 595.
Changing SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION to 596 result in a different error. -k of wineserver and using source wineserver does nothing. Removing all wineservers but source does nothing.
$ sudo dnf remove --allowerasing wine $ ,/wine <exe-to-install> also has failure (of course from lack of runtime dependencies): ...<exe-to-install>" not supported on this system Also does this regardless of supply of prefix eg "WINEPREFIX="..." ./wine"