--- Comment #3 from Ian Goddard 2010-02-21 07:56:59 --- I always build wine from the source tree as I have to patch it to work round a feature which for me is a show-stopping bug.
If I run dotests (and, BTW, how is anyone supposed to know it has been deprecated if it's still sitting there in the source tree?) it runs against the new build before that build has been make installed.
*Only* if it looks like the build won't cause trouble (and in the past several hung in dotests so severely that I had to power-cycle the laptop) will I patch it and then make install it.
AFAICS winetest-latest.exe will be run using the currently make installed version of wine - which, ATM, is the *previous* version.
I'm not going to make install an untested build. But I can't now do that using dotests. So I now have to do it in two stages, first run make test -k and, if it looks OK I can make install, run winetest-latest and then patch, rerun make and make install.
However make test -k has just hung in one of the tests. I've no idea if, were it running in dotests or in winetest-latest, it would hang so severely that I wouldn't install the build.
But, knowing that there's a problem but not being able to find out how severe, there's no way I'm going to run make install so in turn I won't be running winetest-latest against the build so you'll never get a test report on it and hence there's no way that you'll be able to get a handle on the problem which the test exposed.