--- Comment #74 from 2013-02-01 04:55:35 CST --- I think I may have figured out why Linux-wine can communicate with joysticks through a winmm interface, but not OS X. Does the below seem logical?
Looking at the joystick code in dlls/winmm/joystick.c: in order to work it opens up a driver and then uses driver commands for the rest of the code to send commands to the winmm interface.
line 69: static BOOL JOY_LoadDriver(DWORD dwJoyID) { if (dwJoyID >= MAXJOYSTICK) return FALSE; if (JOY_Sticks[dwJoyID].hDriver) return TRUE;
JOY_Sticks[dwJoyID].hDriver = OpenDriverA("winejoystick.drv", 0, dwJoyID); return (JOY_Sticks[dwJoyID].hDriver != 0); }
If you look at dlls/winejoystick.drv/joystick.c, the code is Linux only. An OS X version would need to be written. Feasible?