--- Comment #1 from rkfg 2012-09-08 11:47:28 CDT --- A temporary workaround to this is to execute the following command while ME3 window is in focus (requires xdotool utility):
xdotool search --name Origin windowunmap %@
This will hide all Origin windows including this buggy one. The tricky part is doing this not in terminal or any other window but with a keyboard shortcut because when ME3 window loses and regains focus this obstructive window is created again. Look into your WM config or DE preferences to bind this command to a keystroke. For example, in Awesome WM I added:
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell("xdotool search --name Origin windowunmap %@") end),
And pressing Modkey+Shift+R solves the problem. For the first time I had to switch to another tag and press these keys there, though.