--- Comment #2 from Alistair Leslie-Hughes --- Some observation after a brief look at the patches.
* The patches aren't broken up into a manageable chucks.
* There is a ntdll change, without any comment as to why it needed, which affects *all* of wine.
* IDirect3D9Ex structure is defined and yet the structure is full of casts. - Indicates to me, that something isn't quite right. .... + (void *)d3dadapter9_QueryInterface,
* The use of the memory helper functions would be nice.
* The IDirect3DShaderValidator9/ID3DPresentGroup aren't documented anywhere, how were these worked out? - In either case, they should be an in an internal IDL, so that proper structures are created. - Are these interfaces really needed?
* It's unrealistic to expect everyone to install these libraries just for nine support which they might never use.
* In it's current form, the effort to maintain this patchset is too high and wont be accepted upstream easily.
Thinks to consider. * Can any of the changes be broken up and merged upstream? * Break the patch up into multiple well defined changes.
I'm not completely against having Proof on Concept patches in staging however this needs more work.