--- Comment #21 from Chris 2009-10-04 11:42:18 --- (In reply to comment #20)
What I was getting at earlier was that using "Generic Software" settings allows games to function without sound ala Michael B. Whereas, using the "Generic Hardware" is working for some, such as Michael B, and for me, when using OpenAL 1.4 causes crescendos of feedback and using 1.8 or 1.9 hangs UE games.
Shouldn't Generic Software settings "just work" like it did before?
Ideally, yes. As far as Wine GIT and OpenAL Soft are concerned, "Generic Software", "Generic Hardware", and "" are 100% identical, and OpenAL Soft follows the OpenAL spec. If the app behaves differently, it's either trying to access more/different functionality, or it expects incorrect/driver-specific behavior.. which, in either case, means we need to find out what it's trying to do so I can try to fix it in Wine or OpenAL Soft.