--- Comment #3 from Pau Coma Ramirez --- I believe that this has to do with an instance of some other program in wine "blocking" the X11 Driver clipboard interface as I have managed to replicate this behaviour by opening a program where local clipboard works, but sharing across to X11 doesnt and keeping this one open and then opening notepad++ in the same wineprefix. Same thing happens, local clipboard ok, sharing across to x11 doesn't. I close the conflicting program and relaunch notepad++ and it works again.
In this case I have not added any registry key modification with respect to notepad++ so I doubt the registry key influences this behaviour.
I am uploading two logs with the following debug flags
Clipboard sharing OK --> 210204npppOK.log Clipboard sharing not OK, i.e. KO --> 210204npppKO.log