--- Comment #1 from Reinhold --- I need to revise my statement to some extent according to the Microsoft specs:
MODM_LONGDATA The spec says: "This data block typically contains one or more MIDI events, including system-exclusive events." See which means that any SysEx event comes with MODM_LONGDATA but there are other Midi events possible here which do not have the encapsulating bytes F0, F7. The length can be any. Or, extremely it can also contain just one small Midi event with minimal length e.g. =2. For example a Program Change (2 bytes) can be sent in the format MODM_LONGDATA.
MODM_DATA The regular short message. See
This means that for Component: dlls\winecoreaudio.drv File: midi.c just the errors and warnings are not correct. The trace need to be fixed.
for Component: dlls\winealsa.drv File: midi.c inserting F0, F7 when not present is not correct. The trace needs to be fixed, too.
These are my 2 cents. I am not an expert. Such an expert needs to check the issue, too.