--- Comment #11 from Akram --- Ahmed Elsayed commont#9
This is valid for Wine 4.6 too. Other applications works fine except PowerPoint. Arabic letters do not connect to each other and you will loose 1- Arabic Proofing 2- Right to left buttons 3- Ability to switch to right position when change to Arabic
If you start applications with LANG="ar_XX.UTF8" applications get 2 and 3 correctly, but point 1 remains the same. So far this is the best solution. There are other problems with other solution. 4- English types awkward or right to left 5- Arabic types not connected 6- Arabic types awkward or left to right
These problems are not acceptable. If you use Arabic keyboard layout and use LANG="ar_XX.UTF8" you solve all but 4. If you use Arabic keyboard layout and not using LANG you solve all but 5 or 6. If no Arabic keyboard layout and no LANG you solve all but 1,2,3 If no Arabic keyboard layout and use LANG="ar_XX.UTF8" you solve all but 1
It is worth to mention that once LANG option is used, MS Office Keyboard reports that Arabic is Installed and Enabled, English is Installed and Disabled. The situation is reversed if LANG is not Arabic.
The problem is with how Wine handles keyboard layout. Although my Linux system has both English and Arabic layouts installed, Wine only handles one layout at a time.
I attach Wine console output with the four possible combinations of LANG option and Arabic keyboard layout. I paste Word 2010 launch. Attachment #64346