--- Comment #7 from Rob 2010-05-28 02:44:14 --- Hi I tested this with the new eve update tyrannis.
machine config: opensuse 11.2 i586 wine 1.2-rc1
used winetricks to install corefonts tahoma gdiplus dotnet30
The download remains at 0% (zero percent) and the time remaining remains at a high figure number that changes every second. The downloaded file is 2.6Gb in size
After the file download finishes a screen pops up saying the package is corrupt and suggests an attempt to try and fix it.
A repair tool is downloaded and it starts the download again for all the corrupted files (577.4Mb in my case). The download statistics are showing correct numbers during this download. ie percentage done and remaining amount of files and the megabytes done and remaining.
The repair tool repairs the corrupted download.
After the repair tool is finished the installation of eve starts. The eve installation tool finishes properly but there is a pop-up from wine warning that the winemenubuilder.exe has crashed.
summary: The eve download tool will corrupt your download. The eve download repair tool will fix the corrupted download. The eve download repair tool will probably download a lot of additional megabytes of data for this. The wine winemenubuilder.exe crashes during the installation. Eve works in the end.
You don't wanna try this on a slow connection :P
Rob Verduijn