--- Comment #12 from Anastasius Focht --- Hello,
--- quote --- Does the error still exist in wine 3.4? --- quote ---
Wine's code has been reworked in recent years to match native Windows kernel I/O manager behaviour more closely (I/O completion process and IRP result delivery) but the problem is still present, yes.
I might take another shot at this driver in future, albeit low prio. Not very fun to debug though.
--- snip --- ... 0030:Call KERNEL32.DeviceIoControl(00000034,ef002407,009b2000,00000514,009b2514,00000c18,0033f324,00000000) ret=003410d4 ... 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:dispatch_ioctl ioctl ef002407 device 0x11cd30 file 0x11ca40 in_size 4396 out_size 3096
0038:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,00000c18) ret=7ec1681f 0038:Ret ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=0011b9e8 ret=7ec1681f
0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest ef002407, 0x11cd30, 0x11cf00, 1300, 0x11b9e8, 3096, 0, (nil), (nil) 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoAllocateIrp 1, 0 0038:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,00000094) ret=7ec1921a 0038:Ret ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=0011c608 ret=7ec1921a 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:ExAllocatePoolWithTag 148 pool 0 -> 0x11c608
0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoInitializeIrp 0x11c608, 148, 1 0038:Call ntdll.RtlReAllocateHeap(00110000,00000010,0011cf00,00000514) ret=7ec16944 0038:Ret ntdll.RtlReAllocateHeap() retval=0011cf00 ret=7ec16944 0038:Call ntdll.NtGetTickCount() ret=7ec19b33 0038:Ret ntdll.NtGetTickCount() retval=02349aba ret=7ec19b33
0038:Call driver dispatch 0x780402 (device=0x11cd30,irp=0x11c608) irp->IoStatus.u.Status=00000000 ... 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:__regs_IofCompleteRequest 0x11c608 0 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoCompleteRequest 0x11c608 0 irp->IoStatus.u.Status=c0000001 ... 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoCompleteRequest calling 0x7ec15ea9( 0x11cd30, 0x11c608, 0x48 ) ... 0038:trace:ntoskrnl:IoCompleteRequest CompletionRoutine returned 0, irp->IoStatus.u.Status=c0000001
0030:Ret KERNEL32.DeviceIoControl() retval=00000000 ret=003410d4 ... --- snip ---
Even though the kernel driver doesn't follow the recommendation of matching return status when completing the IRP in the dispatch routine, there has to be a reason for irp.IoStatus.u.Status = 0xC0000001 (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL).