--- Comment #4 from 2012-11-27 01:47:41 CST --- I haven't succeeded with the regression test. I have been following the instructions at The wine-git directory was completed successfully. I ran CC="ccache gcc" ./configure --verbose --disable-tests and this completed with no errors. Then I also ran CC="ccache gcc -m32" ./configure --verbose --disable-tests since I have a 64-bit system. This step failed, saying that the C compiler didn't work (I looked at, but couldn't tell what I should do from that information). After this I typed "make" in the terminal, and it said it couldn't find makefile. I tried continuing with the procedure, but the problem was that there was no wine-git/wine directory. At this point I'm stuck.
Something that may be helpful is that when I originally installed Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 on wine, I had to change the audio input driver in wineconfig from the default one in order to get the microphone to work. When I looked at the audio input driver options on the list under wineconfig now while trying to troubleshoot this problem, I notice that there are only two audio input driver options listed - default, and one other (something with Intel in the name). My recollection isn't good, but I seem to remember that there were three options for audio input driver, but now there are only two (one is "default") and the audio driver that I chose to originally get Rosetta Stone to work isn't on this list (but I'm not certain of this).
After my failed attempt to do a regression test, I went back to wineconfig to check the audio input driver, I find that now there is only one, pulseaudio, which wasn't on the list before I started the regression test. Have the wine audio drivers been changed somehow? Could this be the problem? Sad to say, after attempting the regression test, my application has disappeared and wine seems to be a mess. Maybe I created a backup of wine that I could restore if I knew how. Sorry for my incompetence as a wine tester.