--- Comment #7 from Berillions 2013-10-19 07:47:40 CDT --- (In reply to comment #6)
No, I can't assert with confidence where the issue lies, that's all. I don't see anything that strongly suggests a secur32 bug.
Same problem on Archlinux but there is something that i understand here : [...] trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <4> REC[0x7dca80e8]: SSL 3.1 Alert packet received. Epoch 0, length: 22 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <4> REC[0x7dca80e8]: Expected Packet Application Data(23) trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <4> REC[0x7dca80e8]: Received Packet Alert(21) with length: 22 trace:secur32:schan_pull Pull 22 bytes trace:secur32:schan_get_buffer Using buffer 0: cbBuffer 27, BufferType 0x1, pvBuffer 0x5bee3b0 trace:secur32:schan_pull Read 22 bytes trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <2> ASSERT: mac.c:253 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <4> REC[0x7dca80e8]: Decrypted Packet[1] Alert(21) with length: 2 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <4> REC[0x7dca80e8]: Alert[2|20] - Bad record MAC - was received trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <2> ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:794 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <2> ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:800 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <2> ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:1285 trace:secur32:schan_gnutls_log <2> ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:1388 GnuTLS error: A TLS fatal alert has been received. err:secur32:schan_DecryptMessage Returning 80090304 [...]
I have no knowledge about secur32/crypt functioning so i tried to search in Internet. I found that if ssl reveive an alert (like in my log), the connections is broken.
But : - SSL 3.1 exist and is implemented/known in Wine - Why the connection is broken ? This SSL bug appeared with UPlay 3.0 (only with the savegame) and since UPlay 4.x it's for the savegame/Uplay connection.
This bug does not exist on Windows so there is somewhere a problem in Wine which break the connection, no?