--- Comment #29 from Michal Suchanek 2008-06-09 05:42:04 --- (In reply to comment #28)
(In reply to comment #27)
That's not different from Windows when required font is missing in the underlying system.
Yes, but Wine is not about replicating all deficiencies of Windows. It could do better sometimes ;-)
Predefined API behaviour and philosophical speculations are mutually exclusive things.
How is substituting fonts in a wine registry entry a predefined API behaviour?
This is a minimal regedit file that fixes my application:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes] "System"="MS Shell Dlg"
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-4\Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements] "MS UI Gothic"="Sazanami Gothic"
Note that while the System font has to be redefined in a standard Windows location MS UI Gothic does not. Which in my book means that Wine can do whatever it wants as long as the MS UI Gothic ends up having the needed glyphs.
I do have the MS Japanese fonts substituted.
Please show that here.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes] "Arial CE,238"="Arial,238" "Arial CYR,204"="Arial,204" "Arial Greek,161"="Arial,161" "Arial TUR,162"="Arial,162" "Courier New CE,238"="Courier New,238" "Courier New CYR,204"="Courier New,204" "Courier New Greek,161"="Courier New,161" "Courier New TUR,162"="Courier New,162" "Helv"="MS Sans Serif" "Helvetica"="Arial" "MS Gothic"="IPAGothic" "MS Mincho"="IPAMincho" "MS PGothic"="IPAPGothic" "MS PMincho"="IPAPMincho" "MS Shell Dlg"="MS UI Gothic" "MS Shell Dlg 2"="Tahoma" "MS UI Gothic"="IPAUIGothic" "Times"="Times New Roman" "Times New Roman CE,238"="Times New Roman,238" "Times New Roman CYR,204"="Times New Roman,204" "Times New Roman Greek,161"="Times New Roman,161" "Times New Roman TUR,162"="Times New Roman,162" "Tms Rmn"="MS Serif"
However, this feature is largely unknown. When searching for it on the web I found a FAQ entry on the Wine wiki claiming Wine does not support it, and an old NEWS file pointing to a changelog that says the feature is implemented.
MSDN and Wine source are the docs. We also accept patches to improve Wine
Wine is supposed to be 1.0. If there are features that do not work out of the box and are only documented by the source these might be considered something experimental but not something the users are supposed to know and use.
documentation, you are welcome to update the Wine wiki as well.
There's no point as long as the feature is broken anyway.
Also this feature does not work for real world applications. This is because not enough fonts are linked. My application works on Windows, works if fonts are linked manually but does not work with Wine automatic font linking. This is the simplest application possible so it is probably how applications would be (and seem to be) written.
Patches with appropriate test cases are welcome.
I see two problems here:
1) the default font does not have glyphs for the current locale. - my application does not explicitly choose a font. This means there must be some 'default font' which is expected to work for the current locale on Windows but does not on Wine
2) font linking relies on certain fonts to be substituted (or copied from Windows) manually but does not produce any warning if they are not - for this to work out of the box font linking should a) find some Japanese fonts and substitute them for fonts that are expected to have Japanese glyphs on Windows - MS (P|UI |)Gothic, MS (P|)Mincho. MS Core fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, Courier) are available so one could expect these to be installed if needed. b) substitute the default font and system fonts that are expected to 'Just work' with one of those. This is currently done for MS Shell Dlg but at least System should be substituted as well. Some people also substitute Terminal, Fixedsys, MS Serif, and MS Sans Serif. I am not sure which of these are really used but at lest the default font (which appears to be System) should work.