--- Comment #37 from Tom Maneiro --- Can replicate the same conflict when building my own .DEBs with the initial 10.2 fixes on Debian Stable, and the solution seems to drop /opt/wine-$BRANCH/bin/wine from debian/wine-$BRANCH-amd64.install (since it's provided by wine-$BRANCH-i386, which is a dependency on amd64 anyway!)
Other than that, seems to be on the right path, but will check the latest updated .DEBs anyway.
FWIW: to the Debian/Ubuntu maintainer, you should add debhelper as a build-time dependnecy as without it there the .DEBs will not build under certain popular environments like pbuilder (which won't install debhelper by default, leading to early build errors - pbuilder helps with crosscompiling of the i386 bits under amd64 without polluting your system with needless 32-bit devel packages, or potentially unsolvable package conflicts).