--- Comment #36 from Misha Koshelev 2010-07-24 16:44:59 --- Wow you're right that does look pretty completely... I'm impressed.
I know Henri wanted me to keep at least the D3DXCreate... functions in mesh.c
I noticed you had a separate basemesh.c file... not sure how he would feel about the ID3DXBaseMesh functions.
As far as implementing ID3DXBaseMesh, this is what he had told me at one point when I was still getting my feet wet. ---
Sorry for bugging. I am now about to start implementing the ID3DXMesh interface and noticed that it inherits from the ID3DXBaseMesh interface. I am not using the ID3DXBaseMesh interface per se - specifically I will not be implementing any functions that return objects of this actual type.
I also upon a quick skim of Wine code did not see similar inheritance patterns for COM objects in the source tree.
Thus I am thinking of implementing the ID3DXMesh interface directly, without first implementing ID3DXBaseMesh. If this is INCORRECT, please let me know. Further, if I do need to implement this inheritance, any pointers to similar features in Wine code much appreciated.
There are no functions that directly return an ID3DXBaseMesh interface, it's just a base interface for ID3DXMesh. There should be plenty of similar constructions inside Wine, for an example look at IDirect3DTexture9 / IDirect3DBaseTexture9 in dlls/d3d9/texture.c. You do need to add stubs for the ID3DXBaseMesh methods in ID3DXMesh of course. ---
In any case, I'm not on IRC very much (actually I don't use it but downloaded xchat-gnome after I saw your message. Usually find it distracting.
I did not see you on but my nick is misha680.
Feel free to email me too at
I hope you don't mind, just in case I emailed Owen Rudge with a link to your texture.c in your merge branch:
although I'm sure he's quite aware. I do not see either of the functions D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileInMemory D3DXCreateCubeTexture
implemented but please correct me if I am incorrect.
Also just to double check: --- Anyway, I don't work on getting those patches merged anymore (due to various reasons), so feel free to pick up stuff from the patches and just add my copyright to the headers. --- do you mean that I can send patches that use your code using my email address (not yours), and add a copyright notice at the top, and send them to the main Wine list?
I just wanted to double check - as I don't want to step on any toes. It definitely looks useful.
For now, I'm still waiting to hear about my D3DXCreateSphereTest patch, and was going to add some more tests, but D3DXCreateMesh is definitely in the ballpark.
As for your comments re declarator use internally, that was my ultimate intent, but I wanted to start with FVFs as that seemed like it would fix this bug in a more speedy fashion.
I am not sure how Henri/AJ will feel about this (I believe Henri has given some scrutiny to my patches, but I know he is quite busy).
In any case thank you, and I appreciate our further interactions.