--- Comment #3 from red-ray 2009-09-07 03:51:53 --- (In reply to comment #2)
What's the program that what's the problem it has? Just a fixme message is not a bug.
I assumed all change requests should be loggin in bugzilla. I see this issue in SIV (http::/ V4.01 which I intend to release in a week or so. The [Digital Signatures] page should report:
[Digital Signatures] <- SIV - System Information Viewer V4.01 (Beta-093) RED::ray
SIV - running on \RED - Windows XP Professional V5.01 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
Image Time Stamp All the SIV Digital Signatures are as Expected
D:\SIV\SIV.exe 2009-09-07 09:05:54 Signed by RH Software of Aldershot, Hampshire, GB
D:\SIV\SIVRES.dll 2009-09-06 22:23:23 Signed by RH Software of Aldershot, Hampshire, GB
D:\SIV\SIVX32.sys 2009-09-07 09:01:46 Signed by RH Software of Aldershot, Hampshire, GB
[ OK ] [ Copy ] [HotFixes] [ Tune ] [ Mount] [ Class] [DNS Names] [Groups] [ Priv ] [Signature] [ About] [ Help ] [Lookup]
but with Wine 1.1.29 the "Aldershot, Hampshire, GB"s are missing.
If you would like to reproduce this before I release 4.01 contact me diectly and I will make a SIV V4.01 Beta release available to you.