--- Comment #2 from --- Sorry,
I forgot to comment.
I use Office 365 version 2002 (compilation 1257.20612). I installed in a 32 bits bottle
I followed this instructions:
################################333 WINEPREFIX='/home/USER/.wine_office2016' WINEARCH='win32' winecfg env WINEPREFIX="/home/USER/.wine_office2016" winetricks msxml3 msxml6 riched20 riched30 WINEPREFIX='/home/USER/.wine_office2016' wine Escritorio/setup.exe
Copy the following libraries to drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/root/Office16/ : drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/ClickToRun/AppvIsvSubsystems32.dll drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/ClickToRun/C2R32.dll
I also checked in a old bottle with office 2013 (32 bits too) before posting, with the same results.