--- Comment #5 from 2011-10-16 20:26:31 CDT ---
I have this bug on all games runs in fullscreen, when I have two monitors. I must turn off screen on laptop manually to run game.
I did't see this bug on debian squeeze (stable), only on testing version. Version of wine is the same - 1.3.17.
You're right, this does seem to be a problem with wine's handling of multi-screen setups.
I do have dual screens and as soon as I issue xrandr --output DVI-1 --off, I no longer receive the failed X request on all games I've mentioned. It is strange though that I do not experience this bug with Counter Strike Source. Now that I think of it, wine does turn off my second screen automatically as it starts CS:S, but not for other games...
Now GTA 3 is playable. All other games seem to be experiencing their own problems independent of this bug.