--- Comment #9 from Austin English 2009-06-23 11:00:28 --- (In reply to comment #8)
(In reply to comment #7)
A regression test before opening this bug, as instructed, would have avoided this duplicate.
Considering I :
- took time to generate debug traces with 2 versions of wine,
- ran the regressions test after being requested to do so,
- tested a one line patch by copy-pasting in the source code
- reported this patch actually fixes my issue,
I hardly understand what allows you to add such a useless comment, which doesn't solve anything. I am gratefull to Jeff Zaroyko to answer first. HIS comments were helpful.
While those things are appreciated, it took time for Jeff to ask those questions of you, which you should've done already. The whole thing could've been avoided had you done the test *first*, as the instructions said.
It wasn't meant to be chastising, rather something to keep in mind for next time.