--- Comment #4 from Paul Gofman --- I tried to look into that but I am not reproducing. I tried with system Wine to exclude local build differences (which was wine-10.0-rc4) with:
WINEPREFIX=<path_to_my_clean_prefix> winetricks dotnet48
That installed first earlier version of dotnet and then 4.8 without hangs or visible errors, and without the mentioned err: in the log.
Could you please provide the following info so I have a chance of debugging that:
1. How exactly do you run the install (exact sequence of commands which would allow to reproduce exactly the same)? Did you try with clean prefix?
2. Could you please attach compressed log recorded with WINEDEBUG=+pid,+timestamp,+loaddll,+seh,+unwind,+debugstr,+threadname,+module,+file ?
3. Could you please try with official Wine build from here ( to see if that reproduces the same issue for you?
4. What is your CPU?