--- Comment #53 from H. Verbeet 2009-03-31 04:42:08 --- (In reply to comment #51)
My strategy has been to use BuGLe to monitor the GL resource usage of SoaSE in wine. BuGLe works by using LD_PRELOAD to override all of the GL symbols with its own. The LD_PRELOAD doesn't work with Wine, but I was able to build wine/dlls/opengl32 while directly linking against instead of libGL. libbugle is supposed to communicate via pipe with a GUI that can show me what is going on.
I haven't tried myself, but I think you'd need to modify the wine_dlopen() call in has_opengl() in dlls/winex11.drv/opengl.c. Or just change SONAME_LIBGL in include/config.h.