--- Comment #32 from Rico 2007-12-15 04:06:28 --- Gothic3 crashes when the memory is about VIRT=4094mb, RES=1.3gb SHR=21mb. (high details)
It crashes on middle details at about the same amount of memory ... but this takes around 30 minutes.
I will try it on low details but this could take some hours.
So is there a maximum of VIRTUAL MEMORY for 32bit apps (4gb)?
Here is the backtrace: =>1 0x7bc390ac __regs_RtlRaiseException+0x4c(rec=0xeadbc8, context=0xead858) [/home/ricola/Desktop/wine/wine-git/dlls/ntdll/exception.c:396] in ntdll (0x00ead848) 2 0x7bc739e3 __wine_call_from_32_regs+0xc3() in ntdll (0x00eadba4) 3 0x7bc38676 RtlRaiseException+0x6() in ntdll (0x00eadc1c) 4 0x445d73ac in ge3dialogs (+0x173ac) (0x00eadc54) 5 0x445c6f13 in ge3dialogs (+0x6f13) (0x00eadc68) 6 0x44610338 (0x00eadc98) 7 0x445c209b in ge3dialogs (+0x209b) (0x00eadd10) 8 0x445d597e in ge3dialogs (+0x1597e) (0x00eadd38) 9 0x445d55b6 in ge3dialogs (+0x155b6) (0x00eadd78) 10 0x445d5620 in ge3dialogs (+0x15620) (0x00eadda0) 11 0x7bc43dcd MODULE_InitDLL+0x8d(wm=<register EDI not in topmost frame>, reason=<register ESI not in topmost frame>, lpReserved=0x1) [/home/ricola/Desktop/wine/wine-git/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:909] in ntdll (0x00eade30) 12 0x7bc4420f process_detach+0x6f(bForceDetach=0x1, lpReserved=<register EDI not in topmost frame>) [/home/ricola/Desktop/wine/wine-git/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1054] in ntdll (0x00eade50) 13 0x7b86f48f ExitProcess+0x1f(status=0x1bf) [/home/ricola/Desktop/wine/wine-git/dlls/kernel32/process.c:1947] in kernel32 (0x00eade70) 14 0x00f525f1 in sharedbase (+0xa25f1) (0x00eadeb0) 15 0x00f5294f in sharedbase (+0xa294f) (0x00eadef8)