--- Comment #3 from Alexander Dorofeyev 2007-12-19 16:36:30 --- Created an attachment (id=9702) --> ( demo screenshot
Yes, there's some problem. There are also hud/menu text issues in AVP1 demo, I guess these are related. In game HUD text has this very-very transparent, barely visible look and in game menu (that one which opens by ESC from a started level) is a black screen. I'll attach a screenshot from demo for completeness.
I've investigated a bit what's going on and apparently problem is in 3d calls, it's drawn by ddraw calls, the program draws this HUD text etc using textured quads w/ alpha blending for transparency and effects. So either this is a problem with handling of some blend-related render states (according to its opened source and somewhat supported by logs, for HUD text it mostly uses SRCBLEND=SRCALPHA, DSTBLEND=ONE) or alpha channel is wrong in textures (i.e. some texture loading problem).
So far I think it's most likely the latter - tried adding hacks to drawPrimitive etc that forcefully set glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) and it still looks wrong.