--- Comment #1 from Erwin Wildenburg 2007-11-07 09:57:03 --- (In reply to comment #0)
While starting steam crashes and writes the crash log. However it continues on and starts. It seems it allows some parts to fail start up but still be usable to say play games. Here is a snipped from the +relay:
0017:Call advapi32.RegOpenKeyExA(80000002,0e76a2a8 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography",00000000,00020019,7b6428c4) ret=0e702b59 0017:Ret advapi32.RegOpenKeyExA() retval=00000000 ret=0e702b59 0017:Call advapi32.RegQueryValueExA(00001910,0e76a2c8 "machineguid",00000000,7b6428cc,7b642ae0,7b6428c8) ret=0e702b87 0017:Ret advapi32.RegQueryValueExA() retval=00000002 ret=0e702b87 ...... 0017:Call KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA(7b6414c0 "hardware.cpp (590) : Assertion Failed: bRet\n") ret=1002129f
So it's looking for [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography] machineguid Which Wine does not have. Creating this value fixes the crash.
I looked into my father's Windows Vista computer and looked for the registery value of it and here it is:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography] "MachineGuid"="80a1809c-4663-4e81-99c9-58934d2f0277"