--- Comment #17 from Roger --- Glad this popped-up. Not to clutter this specific bug or sideline development of DirectX 11, but this bug is likely the number one bug or issue when installing ARMA 3 currently.
I think I just heard within the "BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW" video;; At video position 6:05-6:21 minutes; Posted December 18, 2014; DayZ Creator Dean Hall, that Bohemia Interactive is planning or actively porting Arma 3 source code for compatibility for later DirectX releases, for the purpose of extending ARMA 3 for use within other operating systems.
As quoted within the video from Dean Hall, "We've also got the new render coming in, which will allow us to implement things like DirectX 11, DirectX 10, and other graphical APIs. And finally, that means we can move into, start moving into a multi-platform environment (for DayZ)..." (DayZ really details the whole ARMA 3 game, as DayZ is apparently a bundle of server/client modifications.)
DayZ Creator Dean Hall also stated he's stepping down from DayZ developing, so I'm not sure how to rationalize all of his statements. Other then this, this looks extremely promising if not imminent.