--- Comment #1 from jimbo1qaz --- Corrections: - `handle = new Pipe();` (PipeConstants.SERVER did not exist in node 8.9.3) - node.js ships libuv. The relevant portion is located at "deps/uv/src/win/pipe.c".
How is `handle` initialized, and why is `handle->flags` lacking |=UV_HANDLE_BOUND?
handle = new Pipe(); - uv_pipe_init()
(unsure if called) if (!isNaN(instances)) { handle.setPendingInstances(instances); - uv_pipe_pending_instances() seems unimportant
handle.bind(address="\?\pipe\5d74...", port=-1); - uv_pipe_bind() sets `handle->flags |= UV_HANDLE_BOUND;` if no errors occur (and no errors occur in net.js/createServerHandle())
rval = createServerHandle(... this._handle = rval; this._handle.onconnection = onconnection; this._handle.owner = this; var err = this._handle.listen(backlog || 511); err == EINVAL
So why isn't UV_HANDLE_BOUND set?? i don't have a clue.