--- Comment #19 from Michal Suchanek 2008-06-05 07:19:26 --- (In reply to comment #18)
(In reply to comment #17)
Does Wine notepad show japanese fonts in menus and in the text?
No. I never get Japanese menus,
That's an indication of a not working Japanese locale.
Or an indication that nobody translated the menus into Japanese.
I have specifically written this application to test the functionality. As far as I can tell I have not hardcoded any font but you can examine the source to be sure.
Where is the source?
bug 11281
If it is necessary to substitute the MS fonts to some fonts that exist I could do that in registry and Wine could perhaps do that automagically if at least some Mincho and Gothic fonts exist.
Probably, but that's not a general solution.
What is a general solution then?
Still even if those fonts exist there is apparently something missing as the application doesn't display correctly anyway. I can hack the registry to hardcode all system fonts to Japanese fonts but that breaks if I start an application that requires a different locale.
Wine updates system fonts on locale change, and uses "MS UI Gothic" for japanese locale. "MS UI Gothic" should be manually mapped to some existing font with comparable properties.
So I tried in order:
1) substitute IPAUIGothic for MS UI Gothic
result: ugly Latin glyphs in regedit tree view
2) substitute the corresponding IPA font for MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS Mincho, MS PMincho
result: no observed change
3) substitute MS UI Gothic for MS Shell Dlg 2 (instead of the default Tahoma)
result: -
4) substitute MS UI Gothic for Tahoma
result: -
5) substitute MS UI Gothic for System
result: the test application displays Japanese characters