--- Comment #24 from --- (In reply to intosamadhi from comment #23)
Am I correct in assuming that the problem is that the function is translating the volume path into this:
C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\Native Access.exe\
where the double backslash at the end of the line breaks the functionality?
002f:trace:volume:GetVolumePathNameW Successfully translated path L"C:/Program Files/Native Instruments/Native Access/Native Access.exe" to mount-point L"C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\Native Access.exe\"
just ran a trace and I see this happening as well:
trace:volume:GetDiskFreeSpaceExW L"G:",(nil),(nil),0x33e6a8
So it is reading the volume, not finding any free space and concluding it is read-only ?