--- Comment #8 from --- All the software to test this is available for testing without purchase, so I thought I'd give you the info on how to test this.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to and get the free trial version of reaper, using a fresh wine prefix
2. Go to and get "Melodyne 5 studio for Windows" ( ) and install it using the same wine prefix.
3. Launch REAPER. It will nag you since you're using the trial, wait the few seconds until it lets you click the "Buy me" button (you don't need to actually buy it).
4. In REAPER, you should be looking at a new blank project. If that's not the case, use File > New project.
5. In REAPER, add a track into the project using Track > Insert new track.
6. In REAPER, click the "FX" button on the new track, seen on the left. It should be close to the "ROUTE" button and the track number, "1". If you don't see it, resize the left-hand button area horizontally to be large enough to show it, and/or resize the track itself vertically so it's visible.
7. You should now be looking at the "Add Fx To: Track 1" window. Click FX > Scan for new plugins. Once that is completed, click the "VST3" category. You should be seeing "VST3: Melodyne (Celemony)" now. Double-click that entry to add it to the track.
8. You should now be looking at the "FX: Track 1" window. The "VST3: Melodyne" entry should be marked to your left, and in the center you should be seeing the Melodyne plugin area. It should be showing a popup saying "Welcome!" that asks you to "Activate". Most importantly, the top-right of the Melodyne plugin says: "melodyne: player". This is important to notice.
9. Click "Activate" in the melodyne dialog, which should open a website. On the website, sign up for a free trial with an e-mail of your choice.
Now what's supposed to happen at this point is if you go back to the "FX: Track 1" window that is still open, it should no longer show "melodyne: player" in the corner, but it should automatically recognize you just signed up for the trial on the website and it should change to "melodyne: studio". This happens when you're using windows natively or a windows VM, but it doesn't happen with wine 9.17.
My apologies if I forgot a step or if something is unclear.