--- Comment #17 from Michael Cronenworth --- Thanks for the patch. I can confirm it works. I've never played the game without jitter - it is quite amazing how well the game works without it.
Testing notes: System: Fedora 20 x86_64 Core i7 4790k GeForce 750 Ti Wine 1.7.30 (w/ your patch)
Planetside works well when I'm on Esamir. Most settings are on High, textures on Ultra. No input lag. Very smooth inputs. Very good graphics performance. Vehicles also work smoothly. I'm also using the 64-bit game client.
When I switch to Hossin and spawn I am immediately greeted with input lag. Sounds and overlay icons move in sync with my mouse movement, but polygon objects lag behind about 1-2 seconds. Input is smooth and graphic performance seems high. I can get the lag to go away for about 5 seconds if I hit escape to bring up the menu and escape back to the game. Unsure if this is your patch or a wine bug. The game's raw input / reduce input lag options do nothing in either on or off.
I have also tested Starcraft II and mouse input works with it. Regular 2D Windows applications also continue to work with input.