--- Comment #9 from cleber 2008-07-31 16:55:47 --- Okay, I found it. Actually, the offender tweak is OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo
I'm really convicted it has something to do with this other bug:
There's some offscreen rendering going on to upload the sprites to video memory. I know because I'm the programmer of the game. ;) The game loads the entire sprite sheet to memory as a bitmap, and then captures blocks from it, as textures. With wine, the sprites are drawn missing the first line of pixels, and with an extra line of pixels at the bottom, containing data from the image that is below in the sheet.
It means, wine's directx is either: 1) just drawing it wrong, or 2) geting data from the wrong area of the bitmap to generate the textures.
I believe it's number 2. So maybe when using OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo, wine's directx is trying to capture images outside the bitmap borders and failing. (just a theory).
The game is written is DarkBASIC Pro. I can write a simpler test program if you want it.